Yashlatz NewsMay 2012: A beautiful Sefer Torah was donated to the Yashlatz beit midrash by a Jerusalemite who chose to remain anonymous. Yashlatz students and faculty, guests, and families of the Eight celebrated the special event with the donor and the donor's son.
March 2012: Yashlatz students take part in a drill, training students how to respond in the case of an earthquake or an attack, raising several to the level of Maf'tzim, or Youth Officers. Report on Arutz7 (more in Hebrew)
February, 2012: Yashlatz marks the fourth yartzeit of the Kedoshim in a ceremony at the Yeshurun Synagogue.
January, 2012: To Learn and To Teach: Jerusalem Yeshivah for Youth (Hebrew)
March, 2011: Yashlatz marks the third yartzeit of the Kedoshim in a ceremony at the Yeshurun Synagogue.
February, 2011: Yashlatz releases disk of melodies of Rav Kook, "Nafshi Takshiv Shiro." Review on HasidiNews (Hebrew).
February, 2011: The third yartzeit of the massacre, How does one experience great joy on what for me is the saddest day of the year?
September, 2010: The Integration of Song with Grief, Interview with Rav Yerachmiel Weiss, Yoni Kampinski (Hebrew)
July, 2010: Yashlatz is honored by the Ministry of Education "For high achievements in Matriculation Exams for the 2009-2010 school year and for a significant increase in the number of students receiving a Matriculation Certificate."
April, 2010: Yashlatz students demand to march in Jerusalem on Yom Yerushalayim (Hebrew)
February, 2010: Yashlatz marks the second yartzeit of the Kedoshim in a ceremony at Yeshurun Synagogue.
February, 2010: Yashlatz releases disk of Shabbat melodies, "Noam HaNeshamot."
October, 2009: United: Dispelling Darkness with Light, Online book in memory of those murdered in the terrorist attack
August, 2009: Rosh Yashivah Yerachmiel Weiss recieves the Lifshitz Outstanding Educator Prize Rabbi Yerachmiel Weiss Honored
May 2009: Yashlatznik Sapir Malka wins the International Bible Quiz, the Chidon Tanach Kochav Ya'acov student wins 2009 International Bible quiz International Bible Darren Sultan International Bible Contest Chidon Hatanach 4-29-2009 Jerusalem, Israel the final few minutes (skip to 3:45 for the Head-to-Head competition between Yashlatnik Sapir Malka and Uri Luvish)
March 2009: Hachnassat Sefer Torah in memory of those slain in the attack, sponsored by Blev Echad. Blev Echad - One Year Later, Deena Klein
Feb. 2009: Memorial book Sh'monah Nesichei Adam is released in English under the title, Princes Among Men.
Princes Among Men in the News: Intermountain Jewish News, Rabbi Hillel Goldberg From Mother to Son, book excerpt by Rivkah Moriah The Kosher Bookworm: Yom Ha’atzmaut, Zionism and us, Alan Jay Gerber Yeshivah Massacre: Joyous Memories Rise from Grief, Hana Levi Julian Israeli Princes Were Cut Down, to Brenda Sassoon-Rosmarin
October 2008: Yashlatz releases disk of melodies for the Yamim HaNora'im, "V'kol Ma'aminim."
June 2008: Yashlatz students edit and publish an anthology of memories of the Eight, Sh'monah Nesichei Adam.
March 2008: Faith through Tears, Hillel Fandel