Our NeedsRabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai used to say, “If you are holding a sapling in your hand, and someone says that the Messiah has come, first plant the sapling, and then go and greet the Messiah.”
So too, with the saplings of Etz HaSadeh, the tree of the field—the young student. Providing him with the space and the nurturing to grow and thrive is a process which should not be interrupted even to receive Mashiach himself. Perhaps such work will even hasten his arrival.
At Yashlatz, we have several exciting projects underway for which we need your help. Please read a bit about them here, and feel free to contact us for more information. Or go straight to our Donations page. We're counting on your help!
Please remember that naming possibilities are welcome for all of our projects except for the Memorial Wall.
One day when Choni was walking along a road, he saw a man planting a carob tree. Choni asked him: "How long will it take for this tree to bear fruit?" "In seventy years it will bear fruit for the first time," replied the man. Choni then asked: "Are you certain that you will live another seventy years?" The man answered: "I found a world sown with carob trees, because my ancestors planted them for me. I shall do the same for my child." Ta'anit 23a |
For many years, Yashlatz has offered the use of its campus and facilities for a summer program called Yashbehaz—Yeshivah Ben Haz'manim—which is organized entirely by the students. During this optional, three-week program, students participate in classes by renowned Rabbis, who have been invited from all across Jerusalem and Israel. A committee of students organizes trips and prepares all the meals. This program receives no support from the Ministry of Education and is dependent on private funding.
For more information about "Yashbehaz," please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Memorial Wall
Yashlatz remembers its fallen. Yashlatz graduates who have fallen in the I.D.F. or in the war of terror being waged against Israel, Yashlatz students who fell in the Mercaz HaRav Massacre, and students who died of illness or in accidents are dear friends whose memories we would like to honor. A Memorial Wall has been designed for the entrance of Yashlatz, and significant contributions have been made towards it. We still need a generous contribution to complete it.
For more information about the Memorial Wall, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
As a dormitory high school with several entrances, necessary security expenses exceed the allowance of the Ministry of Education. Your contribution to day-to-day security funding can help us shoulder the burden of a crucial expense.
An upgrade for the entire security system requires a significant, one-time investment.
For more information about security, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .