Learning at Yashlatz:Religious StudiesYashlatz places a great emphasis on acquiring Torah knowledge and also on developing the character in a fitting way. Example and encouragement are given to develop the student's own inner motivation to experience Torah not just as a subject, but as a context in which to grow and live.
Among the subjects offered are:
Students are free to explore other religious texts, as well. Academic StudiesA fundamental goal of a Yashlatz education is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to complete the requirements for a full Israeli Matriculation Certificate – the Teudat Bagrut.
A successful matriculation enables a student to pursue a university education and paves the way in the Israeli work force and is therefore seen as an integral part of a Yashlatz education.
Tenth grade, in particular, provides a particularly varied curriculum, both to impart an even more well-rounded education, and to expose students to a variety of subjects in order to help them choose which in depth courses – magamot – to study.
Since Religious studies are the core of the Yashlatz curriculum, Talmud and Tanach form the basis for the Yashlatz graduates’ Matriculation, and are complemented by the academic curriculum, which constitute the afternoon studies at Yashlatz.
Talmud Seder ErevEvenings at Yashlatz include a daily seder erev.