A Few Words from the Rosh YeshivahShalom,
The People of Israel are in a process of renewal and in a process of returning to a renewed Land of Israel. The importance of this return, and in imbuing it with Hebrew-Israeli-Jewish content which receives its nourishment from the holy source of the Torah of Israel—in all of its greatness, breadth, width, and depth—led to the idea of establishing a Central Yeshivah for Israel, "Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav."
The above goal of raising talmidei chachamim ma'aminim guides the design of Yashlatz' curriculum: learning the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings; learning Mishnah and Talmud, both for depth and for breadth; learning Halachah; learning Jewish thought from both early and later sources; learning about special aspects of Jewish history; and learning of all the other subjects taught at Yashlatz. All of the subjects are suffused with the spirit of our teacher Rav Kook, which brings a special atmosphere to Yashlatz: pleasantness and openness, the feeling of being emissaries to Torah ideals and of the connection to all of Am Yisrael.
A boy who is full of National-Torah idealism and wants to take part in the avodat kodesh—the holy work—of continuing to build the Nation of Israel with diligence, dedication to Torah, and with good character, in the community of Yashlatz students, and whose ability and seriousness are suitable, will be accepted gladly and with blessings at Yashlatz.
With the Torah’s blessings,